CallFire has a new API!
We are proud to announce the launch of our API 2.0! Learn more about our streamlined, transactional and broadcast APIs. This version of the API documentation will remain available for reference only. There will be no new development, only bug fixes. We highly recommend upgrading to our newer and more sophisticated documentation.
A Broadcast consists of a configuration for the outbound call or text experience, a set of recipient contacts organized into contact batches, and an optional schedule of dates and times at which the broadcast should automatically start and stop.
The Call Service and Text Service provide convenience methods that encapsulate the creation, population and starting of broadcasts. The Broadcast Service is only required for advanced use cases involving delayed or scheduled starts, multiple contact batches, or changing configurations over time.
This operation creates a Broadcast campaign and returns a broadcastId. To see the status
of this campaign call GetBroadcast
with the returned broadcastId.
There are 3 types of Broadcast: TEXT, IVR, or VOICE. Select the appropriate config
to match the broadcast type, TextBroadcastConfig, IvrBroadcastConfig, or VoiceBroadcastConfig.
Prefer the Text Service operations (ex: SendText
) and Call Service operations
(ex: SendCall
) over this operation when managing simple text and call campaigns
since those operations are simpler and more concise.
Use this operation to see the status of Broadcasts in account. Filter by type of campaign whether currently running. Returns a list of Broadcast info such as campaign name, type, status, ect...
Use ID returned from CreateBroadcast
or from QueryBroadcast
to retreive information on indivual Broadcast. Include info such as campaign name, type, status, ect...
Update existing broadcast's configuration such as time zone restrictions
or retry logic. Currently all fields from config are updated so the 'Message'
field needs to be populated just like in CreateBroadcast
Use unique ID to specify broadcast. Need to provide dummy 'Name' field Broadcast even though the field will not be overwritten.
Testing this method using swagger doc REST interface (Try Me! button) does not work correctly. Please use curl or other rest client to test api call.
Get broadcast stats by broadcastId or by interval range. Stats include information like billed amount, billed duration, actions count, attempt count, etc...
Apply command START, STOP, or ARCHIVE to Broadcast. Also can change the max active count of Broadcast.
Contact Batch is a list of contacts to associate with a broadcast. Use this operation to attach
a list of contacts to an existing Campaign. A list of ToNumbers or an existing Contact List ID is
required to create and attach the Contact List. Returned is the unique contactListId that can
be used in ControlContactBatch
to enable or disable this batch.
Return list of Contact Batches associated with this Broadcast. The contactBatchIds returned from this campaign can then be used to enable, disable, or delete the individual Batches.
Retrieve info on individual Contact Batch using contactId returned from CreateContactBatch
This operation provides the ability to enable or disable on a Broadcast the list of contacts associated with a ContactBatch.
Broadcast can be set to run at scheduled times a prescribed by BroadcastSchedule.
Can pick start time, stop time, begin date, and day of week. Returns broadcastScheduleId
that can be used in GetBroadcastSchedule
and DeleteBroadcastSchedule
List information about Broadcast Schedules attached to a Broadcast.
List information about individual Broadcast Schedule attached to a Broadcast.
Delete BroadcastSchedule associated with a Broadcast.