Generation G(enerosity)

In one of my recent posts, I briefly mentioned "
Generation G" -- a growing contingent of Americans described by, where the G stands for Generosity. These Americans are increasingly "disgusted with greed" and its effects on society and the economy; they long for more generosity, for "institutions that care," and for for people who "share, give, engage, create and collaborate." Generation G is made up of anyone from the old to the young -- from billionaires pledging half of their wealth to charity, to the average blue-collar American. When it comes to businesses, however, it's not enough to tout a "social responsibility" program comprised of various initiatives that at times may be a forced response to outside a pressure. A business should seem like it genuinely
wants to be good and generous -- towards customers, towards employees, and towards the world.

This doesn't mean forgetting about profits and bottom lines, though. Check out the entire trendwatching article to read about their "
8 ways for corporations to join Generation G" -- from co-donating, to eco-generosity, to random acts of kindness. With dozens of past examples, you're sure to find something to inspire you. And for a more recent example, read today's
Mobile Marketer article on how Coca-Cola is pairing up with HMSHost for a mobile sweepstakes campaign and giving program that will benefit Feeding America.
The Cold, Hard Numbers
Want a more obvious business incentive other than warm fuzzies? A Duke University and Cone survey found that
nearly 8 in 10 consumers say they would switch to another brand if it was associated with a good cause. A PR Week and Barkley Public Relations survey corroborated the findings when they found that
88% of millennials say they would switch to brands supporting causes. The latter study also discovered that more than
half of American moms say they would pay more to for a brand that supports a cause. And these will undoubtedly be growing trends in today's society. As a business, you cannot afford to ignore them.
So what's
CallFire doing for our part? Other than providing discounts to the many non-profits and charities we work with, we're also working to provide text-to-give programs to our customers (if you're interested in participating, please give our sales line a call). Also, we're currently devising our own social and environmental responsibility program, as well as a donation program where we'll give 1% of our profits to employee-picked charities. If you weren't (or aren't) a CallFire customer, would you be more likely to become one if you knew CallFire was a
B Corporation? We'd love to get your input on the subject, so let us know!